Missing math (funny!)

It's Friday! I hope everyone's week has been a good one. I'm doing good, still at the office with the song 'Benny and the Jets' stuck in my head. I just love that man so much...
Anyway, today's post idea came to me when I logged on Facebook and saw that a friend had a funny math picture as her profile one. It reminded me that I do miss Math sometimes. Every time I do silly simple additions or subtractions in my head or when I use the calculator at the office, I go back to the times when I did math exercises way harder than those. I actually liked math... I always had great teachers, both in school and in college. I liked geometry and algebra the best. I still remember the first time I saw '(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab+ b^2' I was sooo confused and mad to discover math also involved letters. But then I liked it. The only thing I don't miss at all is calculus... I can't even remember how to solve those problems. But anyway, I found these cool funny math pictures that will make you laugh and smile. Can you imagine being a teacher and finding some of these on the tests your students take? Hilarious! I thought it would be a good post for a Friday. Enjoy!

and a few silly equations:

(it's funny; I actually made this comment once and got that response)

Hope you're smiling. Have a great weekend everyone :)

images 1-5 found here
images 6-9 found via weheartit.com


The other day I was creating a treasury on Etsy with pink and blue items and I came across 
this video (while thinking of a headline) of one of my favorite Disney scenes. So, today I
want to dedicate this post to all of you who may be indecisive about anything at all.

Will you go out with that guy or not?
Will you open a private blog or a personal one?
Will you have coffee or milk or tea this evening?
Will you become a doctor or a nurse?
Will you buy that dress or save as much as you can?
Will you travel to Europe or South America?

Whatever it is I hope your decision makes you very very happy :)
While you think about it, here's a video that always makes me smile (don't you
miss these movies?)

It's a rainy day...

Hello dears,

How are your weeks going? Fantastic? Great!
Not so fantastic? Hmmm, hang in there!

Well, it's raining here. I'm not going to go drive out there because that will result in me going insane inside my car stuck in traffic. Traffic is one of the things in life that can irritate me veeery quickly :) at least when I'm the driver. Does that happen to you?

So instead (and I do this often, not only when it rains) I decided to stay at the office longer and do something I enjoy much more: Sit in front of the computer as opposed to my steering wheel and look at neat things online.

In view that it's all rainy outside and that I'm a mess right now --I had to go buy some groceries for the office and  take heavy stuff out of my car with rain coming down-- I want to share these cute rain-related items I've found on Etsy and forget about the way I look:

Can someone please buy me these cloud earrings? They're perfect for rainy days and I just love their uniqueness!!

Summer rain earrings by joojooland

Oh puddles, you mess my shoes and I don't like you. Maybe I would if I came across one with a cute toy fish:

Fishy Fishy by aptrickphoto

back to jewelry... I love this necklace. I really want it. But I'm good at always abstaining from spending money in things I don't need right now. One day I might get it though... 


Here are two more lovely images:

Rainy Night abstract photo by goggla

Fade by ErinTyner (gorgeous macro photography!)

Let's not forget other artists who draw or paint amazing things:

Fishing in Oregon by AlexWijnen

Late for Dinner by jennyschultzdesigns

Anyway, after sighing 7 times, let me just wish you a lovely evening. Wouldn't it be cool if all rainy days ended up with these colors?

Tiny Drops of Light  by ShadedMemories


Oh no! Almost forgot! Guys, whoever has an Etsy account, could you vote for my Recycled binder in this Etsy Voter?

It would be awesome! It doesn't matter if I'm not the winner, I just want to be on the top half, or better even, the top 12 in case they decide to put them on the front page :)

Alrighty bye now! Thanks for reading :)


Mom, Blue Bonnets, and Me

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was great! I saw Elton John in 
concert this past Saturday; it was awesome 
(if the pictures from my cell phone are clear enough,
I'll share some later)! On Sunday I spent the day with my mom and one of our activities
was to go photograph some Blue Bonnets. Blue Bonnets are Texas' official flowers. 
Once spring is here, Blue Bonnets bloom all over! It's wonderful to be driving
and seeing "blankets" of them next to highways and all over suburbia :P

I need to take seeds of this flower when I go to Peru (more about that soon). 
I'm going to miss them sooo much.
Of course, not near as much as this important person:

(My mom is not convinced about her hair in the pictures because her highlights 
are fading... but I think she looks beautiful <3)

here's one she took of me:

What a lovely day. Hope your week started beautifully!

PS: I lost one reader! I wonder who it was. I knew this would happen eventually, as my writing habits are a little bit affected by this year's activities. But the truth, everyone, is that it might continue being a little bit unbalanced; however, I won't stop writing. My blog style might even change later in the year with an upcoming trip... and I might even start a Spanish [separate] blog (?) Who knows... I'll notify you of all of this when the time comes. But whoever decides to continue reading, thanks a lot for your patience and support :-) 

Oh, Sweets...

I love sweets. I don't think I'll ever be able to exclude them from my diet :) I believe that a person can eat anything they want as long as it's with moderation  and with some exercise included. Life is too short to live on restrictions!

Having said that, sometimes it is hard for me to limit the intake of sweets, and I can always come up with silly excuses to defend myself on that matter.

Let's review the past 5 months...
December: "Oh it's Christmas season... everyone indulges in hot beverages, panettone, casseroles, etc."
January: "It's officially Winter, I need some creamy lattes to keep me warm and happy :)..." and what better thing to have with that than a cookie or a brownie.
February: "It's still cold... and it's Valentines month, let's keep the sweets coming." "Let's go to Whole Foods!"
March: Birthdays and more birthdays this month! Perfect excuse to buy cakes and other pastries!

April: "Spring is here; it's so nice outside that we should go have some gelato!" "It's still a little chilly at night sometimes, coffee anyone?" 

Summer is around the corner, I can already taste those gelatos, bubble teas, cupcakes, and what not...

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