Hello there :)
The weekend is finally here! By the way, how was your week? I hope it was great, and if it wasn't, use some time for yourself this weekend and relax, go have fun, sit outdoors, spend time with your pet, visit your parents/grandparents, make a cake... something nice. I challenge you to make the most out of your free time this weekend!
Or... go get a haircut! Let's see... haircuts can be more than just sitting in front of the mirror staring at the person who is giving you the new look. First of all, it's relaxing, especially when you have a hairstylist that massages your head when she/he washes your hair. Secondly, if you had a stressful week, it can make you feel renewed and ready for a better one- fresh new start!... at least that's how it made me feel one time when I had a hectic week at school. It can also make you feel prettier :)... all those split ends gone, maybe some nice bangs, charming layers, etc. There is a website I found that lets you create different makeovers. If you don't want to get a haircut yet, but are thinking about it, play with it some. You just have to sign up, but it's free, unlike other ones on the web. (note: guys, no men hairstyles on it :(, if I find one I will let you know!) Here is a makeover I did with one of my pictures... even if the images don't look perfect, they give you a good idea.
TAAZ.com : Virtual Makeover.

Whatever you decide to do this weekend, have fun doing it! Don't forget to take a moment to pamper yourself. Talk to you all soon and thanks for visiting :)
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