It's a rainy day...

Hello dears,

How are your weeks going? Fantastic? Great!
Not so fantastic? Hmmm, hang in there!

Well, it's raining here. I'm not going to go drive out there because that will result in me going insane inside my car stuck in traffic. Traffic is one of the things in life that can irritate me veeery quickly :) at least when I'm the driver. Does that happen to you?

So instead (and I do this often, not only when it rains) I decided to stay at the office longer and do something I enjoy much more: Sit in front of the computer as opposed to my steering wheel and look at neat things online.

In view that it's all rainy outside and that I'm a mess right now --I had to go buy some groceries for the office and  take heavy stuff out of my car with rain coming down-- I want to share these cute rain-related items I've found on Etsy and forget about the way I look:

Can someone please buy me these cloud earrings? They're perfect for rainy days and I just love their uniqueness!!

Summer rain earrings by joojooland

Oh puddles, you mess my shoes and I don't like you. Maybe I would if I came across one with a cute toy fish:

Fishy Fishy by aptrickphoto

back to jewelry... I love this necklace. I really want it. But I'm good at always abstaining from spending money in things I don't need right now. One day I might get it though... 


Here are two more lovely images:

Rainy Night abstract photo by goggla

Fade by ErinTyner (gorgeous macro photography!)

Let's not forget other artists who draw or paint amazing things:

Fishing in Oregon by AlexWijnen

Late for Dinner by jennyschultzdesigns

Anyway, after sighing 7 times, let me just wish you a lovely evening. Wouldn't it be cool if all rainy days ended up with these colors?

Tiny Drops of Light  by ShadedMemories


Oh no! Almost forgot! Guys, whoever has an Etsy account, could you vote for my Recycled binder in this Etsy Voter?

It would be awesome! It doesn't matter if I'm not the winner, I just want to be on the top half, or better even, the top 12 in case they decide to put them on the front page :)

Alrighty bye now! Thanks for reading :)



  1. That necklace and earrings are darling. Enjoy your time in the rain darling! It is supposed to rain here too soon!

  2. I especially love that picture with the rubber ducky! The rest are all very apt as well.
    : )
    Sounds like a fun thing to do on a rainy day.

  3. great post :D thanks for featuring my fishy fishy he is happy to make you happy on a rainy crappy day.


Yes! Put your cursor on that lovely white box and start typing :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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