Have You Felt This Lately?

Have you done something for someone/something lately that
left you feeling good? that gave you that special kind of
satisfaction that comes after helping?

Yesterday it happened to me; a very short anecdote. As I was driving
to a friend's house, I missed the entrance on accident and had to U-turn.
Right before I reached the next curve to turn, I saw a complex of houses
to my right, and somehow I noticed that right on the
entrance, before the mailboxes, a turtle was about to enter the road [at least
she was contemplating the idea].

I think I screamed out loud and quickly entered the complex. I parked
my car in an area I wasn't supposed to park, but it was centered
enough so that my car would not be hit by cars going in--or coming out--
of the complex.

I ran to the turtle, picked it up [meanwhile she hid her head inside her shell]
and I took her to what seemed to be the area from where
she had wondered off: some sort of man-made lake.

I said goodbye to the turtle, and I asked her never to do that silly
thing again. That was not the first time I witnessed a turtle almost committing
suicide. I saved one at my university campus as well; and I
believe I saw one one day near a highway ramp... that time I could not
do anything :( I hope it was my imagination.

Anyway, this anecdote made me feel really good. Saving
an animal's life feels rewarding. We take over
their habitats, and the least we can do is save them if
we see them in danger.


  1. Tú corazón siempre ha sido tu mejor carta de presentación. Ya sea para salvar un animal o para curar a una persona. Creo que no solo eres capaz de recoger tortugas suicidas sino también con tú sonrisa curar un corazón herido en cualquier ser humano que se cruce en tu camino. Mil besos Marcela.
    Carlos Dulanto

  2. jajaja me has hecho reír Carlex, en la parte de tortugas suicidas. Muchas gracias por el comentario, es lindo escuchar opiniones tan positivas de uno. Saluditos, un abrazo y cuidateee


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